The Monte Testaccio, also known as Monte dei Cocci, is an artificial hill located in the port area of ancient Rome, mainly formed by fragments of amphorae used for the transport of goods. These fragments were carefully stacked with maximum space efficiency during an activity that lasted from the Augustan period to the middle of the 3rd century AD, culminating in the accumulation of an extraordinary 55 million amphorae. Within this fascinating historical heritage stands the renowned restaurant "Taverna Testaccio".
On the occasion of the New Year's Eve dinner, the venue offers a unique experience in the suggestive setting of the Sala dei Cocci, built respecting the original landscape of the Monte. An extraordinary opportunity to celebrate the arrival of the new year immersed in history, savoring exquisite dishes, and experiencing an unforgettable atmosphere.
New Year's Eve dinner at Taverna Testaccio at 8:30 PM, cost €95 per person, including:
First Courses:
Main Course:
Included in the menu:
Welcome Prosecco
Red and white wine
Mineral water
New Year's Eve celebrations
Cotechino and lentils